June Releases
Echoes Article
Cradle of Equal Suffrage: South Newbury Union Chapel
In the article below, Erin Esmont Rabinowitz shares her research on the Chapel's role in the suffrage movement. Erin also describes her tour of South Newbury Union Chapel and the South Newbury cemetery led by Sandy Woolf, Carole Drabek, and Bill Ward. This article was originally published in the March/April edition of the Ohio History Connection's Echoes magazine.
Erin Esmont is a radio producer at WOSU Public Media in Columbus, Ohio. She is also a freelance writer and editor and has worked with newspapers throughout Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Sandy Woolf, Carole Drabek, and Bill Ward are trustees of the South Newbury Union Chapel. They participate in research and project development for the the Northeast Ohio Suffrage Centennial Committee.

Historical Interpretation
Rabble Rousing in the Country: An Interview with Elizabeth Cady Stanton
In this historical interpretation, radio host Bill interviews Elizabeth Cady Stanton about the women's suffrage movement. Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815 - 1902) was a leader in the suffrage movement and an advocate for women's rights and the abolition of slavery.
This interview is an interpretation of Elizabeth Cady Stanton's views based on her writings. Research for this project was conducted by Bill Ward. Interview dialogue was written by Bill Ward. The actors are Caroline Mansfield, who portrays Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Bill Ward, who portrays the radio host.
Student Research
The Life and Works of Frances Jennings Casement
In this video, Alexandra Strawbridge presents a historical interpretation of Frances Jennings Casement. Alexandra is a student at Lake Erie College and a student researcher for the Northeast Ohio Suffrage Centennial Committee.
Video Timestamps
Willoughby Female Seminary (Lake Erie College): 1:20
Marriage to John S. (Jack) Casement: 2:07
Introduction to suffrage: 3:27
Establishment of the Painesville Equal Rights Association (ERA): 4:07
Parlor Talks: 6:10
Meeting suffragists and anti-suffragists: 7:10
ERA accomplishments and Casement's first speeches: 8:37
Susan B. Anthony visits Painesville, Ohio: 9:48
A letter from Susan B. Anthony: 11:02
Casement's later accomplishments: 12:07
Excerpts from Casement's speech at Lake Erie Female Seminary: 12:54
Research Process
This historical interpretation began as a semester-long project for my Rhetoric of Women’s Rights class at Lake Erie College. Each of us in the class were asked to complete a large-scale research project on a local historical figure or event relating to women’s suffrage. The parameters for the project were wide in terms of what each of us researched and how we presented our material. After choosing suffrage activist and Lake Erie College alumna Frances Jennings Casement as my subject, I concluded to present my research as Frances herself. Historical interpretation and historical costuming are both passions of mine, and I was overjoyed to be able to share these passions in a college course.
As I researched Frances’ life, it became less of a project and more of a true curiosity and interest. I was extremely fortunate to have several of Frances’ own writings (including two diaries and a speech) from which to gather information and truly understand her character. Furthermore, it was a joy to pull together a historically-accurate outfit to wear for the talk; consisting of pieces I made myself, and antique clothing from the era. The outfit I am wearing in the video represents the fashions of the 1890’s, which Frances would have worn while she was active in the suffrage movement.
While there were challenges throughout the research and writing aspect of the project, becoming Frances Jennings Casement for the filming was actually quite easy, and I loved every minute of it. I am happy to share this project with the Northeast Ohio Suffrage Centennial Committee.
Written by Alexandra Strawbridge.